
  • Organizing Scopus Indexed international conferences
  • Free subscription and publication in international journals in the field of Engineering, Applied Science, Management and Pharmacy & health science.
  • Organizing international Seminar/ Workshop jointly with foreign institutes/universities.
  • Supporting research facilities to the faculties/ students in collaboration with foreign institutes/universities.
  • Supporting faculty/ students exchange programme with foreign institutes/universities.
  • Organizing hackathons/fair jointly with institutes/universities in a year.
  • Offering summer student internship at institutes/universities
  • Counseling Overseas Education to the students
  • Offering Awards to the institutes/ individuals in different categories.

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Sign MoU with ADSRS

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Importance of MOU

Both **institute/university name** and ADSRS Education and Research shall encourage interactions between the management, faculty members and students of both the organizations through the following arrangements:

  1. ADSRS Education and Research will support in organizing the conferences, workshops and seminars.
  2. ADSRS Education and Research will support the students for higher education admission across the globe.
  3. ADSRS Education and Research will support student and faculty exchange programs across the globe.
  4. ADSRS Education and Research support the **institute/university name**; for enhancing publication through its journals.
  5. ADSRS Education and Research will support and facilitate the international training/ summer school and related activities of **institute/university name**;
  6. ADSRS Education and Research will support to organize hackathon/ toycathon other government sponsored events.
  7. ADSRS Education and Research will support to arrange the international joint supervisors in the relevant field of research scholars of **institute/university name**; 
  8. ADSRS Education and Research will support the institutes/universities for international MOUs and tie-ups with several of the world’s top universities.
  9. ADSRS Education and Research may showcase its business activities at the seminar/workshop/conference, etc. at **institute/university name**;
  10. ADSRS Education and Research will aid the students for the Global Internship Program, beyond the scope of academia.
  11. **institute/university name** students and faculties will take membership offered by ADSRS Education and Research.
  12. ADSRS Education and Research supports the students and faculties of **institute/university name** to apply (patents) intellectual property rights and copyright.
  13. In any of the activities mentioned above, wherever financial aspects are involved, amount, payment conditions, etc. would be spelt out clearly before starting the activity.